As part of the Bydgoszcz Academy of Art, we invite you to a ceramic workshop inspired by the faïence of Włocławek. The workshop will be presented by Ceramic Workshop Fuka of Toruń.
Timetable of the “Faïence of Włocławek ceramic workshop – inspirations”:

Date: 12.06.2024 and 26.06.2024, 16.00
Where: 20 Gdańska St.
16 participants max
cost (2 sessions) – 380 PLN/participant

Registration by sending an email to:
1. The workshop comprises 2 meetings of 4 hours each (two-stage workshop: pouring, bisque firing; glazing, second firing) 2. The classes are aimed at adults who would like to get to know the material clay and make their own utility dishes or other ceramic objects.
3. The workshop leader offers:
– Adaptation of the level of the class to the individual needs and abilities of the group;
– Technical introduction (what the material is and how to work with it)
– Going through all the stages of working with the material (designing, making, decorating)
– Kiln loading and operation including firing in the Fuka Ceramics studio.
4. During the workshop, participants will learn about the technique of making and decorating ceramics.
5. During the class, we will try to relate to the tradition and aesthetics of Włocławek faïence.
6. The price quoted also includes the cost of materials and the firing of the work.

two days workshop
12 i 26 June 2024
Gdańska 20

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