European Action Station – Leave your trace
Action in the urban space. Dedicated to the city based on the history of space, people, social groups.
The term of action: 18 – 26 September, 2015
Natalia Kozieł (Poland)
Oert Miziri (Albania)
Sadik Spahija (Albania)
Mustafa Yüksel (Turkey)

The basis of artistic activities is the artist’s dialogue with a wide-ranging space of the city of Bydgoszcz, carried out in two ways: as a individual realization of the invited artists and as a workshop with youth from the city of Bydgoszcz.
Invited artists receive photographic materials with descriptions of selected urban spaces which are important for the residents of the city, municipal or local community groups. On the basis of their, artists will design and perform they work.
It has to be a kind of artist’s discourse with the values which arise in the space of the city.
They write, using contemporary art language, their emotional state to the existing phenomenon. The result of their work may remain permanently or for a time in urban space.
The second element is to carry out activities of artists workshop activities with a select group of young people – each artist will be accompanied by 2 – 3 persons chosen from students associated with the art.
Young artists perform their own artistic projects, under the direction of their artistic guardians, and connected with places which have been selected by their artistic supervisors.
The project will be attended by artists from countries outside the center of Europe, and the Bydgoszcz and Poland. Mutual relations and confrontation attitudes create a special story about the city. Diversity of cultures becomes a contribution to the discussion about the perception of the city and its importance in the life of modern society. The cultural difference and distance to established in Poland values will be confronted with the attitude of artists from Bydgoszcz and Poland.
Intimacy feeling conditioned with the birth place of the artist, should create a balance between the perception of the city by its inhabitants and those of others – strangers who are not in symbiosis urban culture.
Form of realization of artistic covers to choose from: installation art, video, video – installation, spatial forms, mural, photography, drawing and painting.

Natalia Kozieł born in 1987 in Bydgoszcz / Poland
Her art education started early at Leon Wyczółkowski State School of Art in Bydgoszcz / Poland.
She has graduated her Master Degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk / Poland , where she has been studying painting. At the moment she has almost accomplished her second studies from printmaking department at University of the Arts / Kuvataideakatemia in Helsinki where she recently works and lives.
In her artistic actions she blends together language of painting and printmaking, that brings her big scale to create new experimental constructions. She works with big scale paintings, drawings, installations and fibber materials. At the moment her biggest attention goes into working with 35mm and 16mm film and slide projectors. She’s building opened collaged projections screened straight into the various spaces. Connecting still and moving images with the strong light and simple black and white colours. Building spaces that expands, where the three-dimensional forms makes works even more powerful by accumulating people that are in it!
Natalia is willingly taking part in group and solo exhibitions and different art projects. She’s trying to work actively as an artist in both Poland and Finland, connecting experience and taste from that places.

Oert Miziri
Born in Tirana Albania in 22 september 1977 works and lives in Tirana.
1992-1996 studies panting in Artistic High School in Tirana
1996-2000 studies in Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana in painting department
From 2003 and on teaches drawing and painting near National School of Arts
Artistic Activity
1994 -Personal exhibition in „TEand GI GALLERY „Tirana.
1995”-Spring 95” exhibition National Gallery of Arts Tirana.
2000 – Group exhibition in Gallery of Academy of Arts
2001- Partecipates in atelier „ARTISTES EN CREATION „
2002-Creation and group exhibition „OLYMPISM and OLYMPIC GAMES”Patras Greece
2003-2006 Partecipates in 3 „SYMPOSIUMS ON PAINTINGS” Patras Greece.
2007-Group exhibition „Let’s talk about emigration „ Patras ,Greece.
2010- AL WASSITY art festival Bagdad Irak.
2010-Garden of Dreams exhibition of Albanian Art Bydgoszcz Poland.
2012-Symposium on Painting in Patras Greeece.
2012-Group exhibition „MY ODYSSE” Vesa Center Tirana.

Sadik Spahija
Birth date: 21.04.1959
1979-1983 Gradueted, Academy of Arts, Tirana, Albania
Profesional Experience:
1983-1989 Sculpture teacher, Artistic High School, Shkoder, Albania
989-2008, Pedagogue, Academy of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tirana, Albania
2001 Head of ceramic Session, Faculty of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts
2008-till today The Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts, Tirana, Albania
2001 – Head of Albanian Ceramic Art Society

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