11th month and the 10th Muse – let’s design a movie poster!
In November, we invite you to discover the world of film art together. The Municipal Gallery bwa will host an exhibition of photographs connected with the Camerimage Festival and enhanced with the power of children’s imagination. Surely you have your favourite movies, fairy tales, or maybe your own movie stories, which are waiting for the right graphic design? Let’s do this – In November’s workshop, you will create your own movie posters!
Workshops – every Wednesday in November, time – to be agreed with the group
Presentation: Agnieszka Gorzaniak — a curator at the Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz
Registration: agnieszka.gorzaniak@galeriabwa.bydgoszcz.pl or by phone: 52 339 30 62
Workshops for pre-school and primary school children
Meetings for groups of up to 25 people last about 1-1.5 hours. Workshops are preceded by guided tours of the exhibitions
Free admission

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