fot. Agnieszka Gorzaniak

This month, we’ll cover the subject of workshop graphics. We will talk about the role of coincidences in the creative process; we will see the exhibition of Hanna Józefowska, and the next step will be to create a monotype – i.e. an artistic, unique graphic implementation. Monotype is a technique with a centuries-old tradition, and we will try to use its possibilities with a dose of unfettered fantasy, in a contemporary arrangement.
Workshops are for organized groups of up to 25 people, for preschool children and classes 1-3 of primary school; the meeting lasts up to 1.5 hours.
Meetings are held every Wednesday of the month, time to be agreed with the group, admission free, registration required: phone 52 339 30 62.
presented by: Agnieszka Gorzaniak and Karolina Pikosz – curators of the Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz

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