praca Blanki Zabłockiej (fragment)

A lecture on the idea of exhibitions organized by the Drawing Department of the Nicolaus Copernicus Faculty of Fine Arts in Toruń, combined with a screening of photographs and films as well as presentations of the most interesting participants, who are now renowned artists.
Aleksandra Sojak-Borodo – in 2005, she graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, where she studied graphics arts and specialised in drawing. In 2011, she obtained a doctorate in the field of visual arts, titled “Przestrzenie bieli” (Spaces of White). He works in the position of assistant professor in the Department of Drawing of the Nicolaus Copernicus Copernicus University. She creates installations, objects, drawings, performances. Apart from meditation, ascetic motives, in her works one can find humour, wit provoking viewers to interact and have fun. She also runs art workshops for children and young people. She cooperates with Katarzyna Skrobała and Grupa jajego, with whom she realised a large social and artistic project “Rubinkowo.”
Lecture accompanying the exhibition (Nad)Rysować
Admission free
28.11.2018, 6pm
20 Gdańska St.

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