Patera kwiatowa, wzór nr nn, proj. Elżbieta Piwek-Białoborska, lata 70. XX w., średnica 37 cm, wł. Muzeum Ziemi Kujawskiej i Dobrzyńskiej we Włocławku, fot. Tomasz Zieliński


From April 26th, 2024, the Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz will present an exhibition entitled “Włocławki. Ceramic products of the Włocławek Faïence Factory, 1952-1991.” This will be the second edition of the exhibition of faïence from Włocławek at the Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz – after the 2020 exhibition – expanded to include objects of applied ceramics. The Włocławek faïence products presented at the exposition come from the collection of the Museum of the Kujawy and Dobrzyń Land in Włocławek. The aim of the exhibition is to illustrate the activity of the Włocławek factory in the post-war period – from the 1950s until the factory’s closure in 1991 – and to show the variety of produced forms and faïence decorations in different stages of the factory’s activity. The presentation of ceramic wares (e.g. lighting products, vases, figurines, mirrors, clock faces, candlesticks, fruit platters, fragments of services, kitchen utensils, designer platters by well-known Polish designers) is accompanied by an archive film, photographs of faïence painters, views of the former factory, showing the faïence production process and designs of faïence forms and decorations.

curator: Karolina Bandziak-Kwiatkowska (Museum of the Kujawy and Dobrzyń Land in Włocławek)

coordination and arrangement of the exhibition: Danuta Pałys

The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship is a partner of the exhibition

26.04.2024 – 23.06.2024
Gdańska 20

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